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Brian J. d'Auriol and Donald Kent Bierley, "The Role of Language in the Unified Model for Compiling Systolic Computations for Multicomputers", Proc. of the Eighth IASTED/ISMM International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS'96), Chicago, Illinois, USA, 16-19 October, 1996, K. Li, T.S. Abdelrahman, E. Luque (Eds.), pp. 352-355, October 1996.
The language requirements of the unified model for compiling systolic algorithms on multicomputers is discussed. Furthermore, an analysis of existing work to determine their suitability for incorporation into the unified model is conducted. On the basis of this analysis, particular components of existing work are identified as potential components for inclusion or modification into the unified model. An overview of the unified model is provided for convenience of the reader.
Full Paper (pdf: 103KB)