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Brian J. d'Auriol, "A Finite State Machine Model to Support the Visualization of Complex Dynamic Systems", Proceedings of The 2006 International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Methods (MSV'06), June 26-29, 2006, Las Vegas, NV, USA, pp. 304-310.
Linear and non-linear controllable systems are
commonly found in many engineering problems and are
examples of models that involve complex high-dimensional
spatially-related data sets. Such systems range in size and
complexity from small-scale systems of a few state variables
to large-scale systems comprising many state variables that
evolve in complex ways. Particular evolution trajectories and
regionalized evolutionary behavior of such complex systems
are often non-intuitive and may reflect bifurcations in the
system. A state space discretization approach leading to a
novel structure termed Orthogonal Organized Finite State
Machines (OOFSM) is proposed as a modeling technique
to support visualizations of the properties of these types of
complex systems.
Full Paper (pdf: 500KB)